Our Services


jumping to a job

IKRON provides comprehensive, individualized services and uses a team-oriented approach to assist individuals in succeeding in their goals to the greatest extent possible. Qualified staff facilitate Trial Work Experiences and Community Based Assessments to individuals interested in returning to work.

Trial Work Experience 

This is a prevocational service available to individuals participating in Vocational Rehabilitation services and who are interested in going back to work. These services offer participants the possibility to experience a real work setting for a short period of time, to identify strengths, abilities and barriers to employment and to determine one's readiness for the competitive work field.

Community Based Assessment 

This is an assessment of the individual's unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities and is intended to determine if a person is capable of performing the essential functions of a specific job.  The assessment takes place in an integrated setting in the community.  

Staff participate in the assessments and are available to provide guidance, feedback and to evaluate the individual's interaction with peers, work behaviors, work tolerance, skills, and abilities.  A written report is provided at the completion of the assessment and it includes a summary of the assessment results including skills learned and goals achieved, brief job task analysis, discussion of the individual's strengths and potential barriers, suggested accommodations and training methods, and provide recommendations for further case development.

Community work sites are developed based on an individual's work interests, and may involve paid work in a competitive work environment.