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Blog Entries - 2020
IKRON is a Top Workplace for the Sixth Time
It's no secret that IKRON staff love what we do. We come to work every day ready to make a difference. And for the sixth time, we've told the rest of Cincinnati just how we feel about where we work. IKRON has made
HRC and IKRON COVID-19 Precautions
We know our participants and staff are concerned about the possible spread of COVID-19. Here’s what we’re doing to keep everyone healthy and safe: You’ll see lots of extra cleaning in the building, including in
10 Questions Plus with Janie O'Brien
This week's 10 Questions Plus is with Clinical Director Janie O'Brien. Q. Where are you from? A. Cincinnati, Ohio. Q. What would you name your autobiography? A. Plain Jane: Taking Average to a Whole New Level. Q.
Vote for IKRON for Best of Cincinnati
Great news—IKRON is nominated in the Do Gooder category in the Best of Cincinnati 2020 poll. Here's the poll; please vote for us! You’ll need to create an account, and once it’s created, you can vote once a day
10 Questions Plus with Jan Danner
This week's 10 Questions Plus is with counselor Jan Danner. Q. Where are you from? A. I live in Cincinnati, but I was born and grew up in Preble County. Q. What would you name your autobiography? A. Multiple