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What I Did On My Summer Vacation: 34 Students Participate in IKRON's Summer Youth Programs

Thirty-four teens spent part of their summer at IKRON, learning the skills that will help them succeed when they're ready to enter the workforce.
Summer Youth participants start by learning the skills they need to succeed: Communication; Enthusiasm and Attitude; Teamwork; Problem Solving and Critical Thinking; and Networking and Professionalism. After some time to practice these skills in the group and with IKRON staff, the students then take their new skills out of the classroom and put them to work in real-world situations.
Nine students took part in Career Exploration, a nine-day program that allows students to try out many different types of jobs to see what might interest them for the future. Twenty-five students attended the longer Work Experience program, where they focused their attention with two weeks at each of two job sites.
All students receive a certificate at the end of their program, in a ceremony that families are also encouraged to attend and support their student. Many of our past Summer Youth participants have used the skills and confidence they gained in the program as a springboard into their first job.