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50 For 50 #7: Self Government Group

November 7, 2019  |  50th Anniversary
Participants on a Self Government Outing
Participants on a Self Government Outing

This is the seventh in a continuing series of stories--one every day for 50 days--to conclude IKRON's year-long celebration of our 50th anniversary. Missed one? No problem! See the entire series on our news page here.

The Self Government Group began meeting in 1969 and still continues to meet weekly. The group began with two goals in mind: for participants to have input into the type of programs they need, and for participants to hold leadership roles in the group (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) and put their job skills into practice while still going through IKRON's programs.

IKRON participants take advantage of this opportunity to communicate their concerns and ideas to IKRON's leadership. Over time, the group's role has grown; current participants organize fundraisers and social activities in addition to continuing the group's original goals.

In 2019, participants have raised money from car washes and bake sales to have outings the Cincinnati Art Museum, bowling, and Coney Island. These outings open up experiences, and sometimes job opportunities, that IKRON participants may never have found on their own. These experiences of setting goals, working as a team to achieve them, and enjoying the benefits of their hard work are a critical part of our participants meeting their objectives of building greater self-confidence and self-sufficiency.