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50 For 50 #5: Group Work

November 5, 2019
Participants in a group discussion
Participants in a group discussion

This is the fifth in a continuing series of stories--one every day for 50 days--to conclude IKRON's year-long celebration of our 50th anniversary. Missed one? No problem! See the entire series on our news page here.

IKRON still possesses, and frequently reads from, the staff journal from the first year of the UC Rehabilitation Center (IKRON's original name). Today's story comes from the September 16, 1969, journal entry. The previous day's entry indicated that the number of participants, called "trainees" in those early days, was up to seven--the highest number yet.

"A group discussion of job interviews was held in the morning. In this discussion, those trainees who had ever applied for a job told and discussed what their experiences were, both good and bad. This was followed by a discussion of a handout, 'Looking for a Job.' Most trainees and one visitor participated, although one trainee declined to participate. Our group now seems large enough and with enough diversification in experiences to be conducive to group work."

Today's Supportive Employment group continues to have discussions much like the ones back in 1969--those seven trainees were the first of a group of individuals that now numbers in the thousands of job seekers who've passed through IKRON's programs and on into employment.